Tuesday, February 28, 2017

What Are The Best Cures For Sore Muscles?

So, you took a fitness class and returned home with sore muscles. Now, you can barely lift your arms and are feeling that your legs have become as heavy as rocks. Don’t expect any high tech recovery solutions from us as we have only a few simple yet highly effective tips that will surely relieve your muscles from soreness and pain same as with tens unit supplies products..
Let us get to know them one by one.

Deep tissue massage

Deep tissue massage after exercise helps increasing the blood flow to muscles, and thus it speeds up the removal of inflammatory chemicals that cause soreness. For an effective massage start from above and below area and then work on the sore part. You can also take help of any self-massage device.

Muscle Stimulator

There are several electrical stimulation machine that are quite effective in muscle spasms, muscle soreness, muscle atrophy and in increasing body circulation. Used by many physical therapy clinics, nerve muscle stimulator machines deliver stimulation through electrodes into the skin via adjustable Ems wave forms. These machines are quite easy to use.

Cherry juice

Cherry juice helps combating inflammation and muscle pain. It can be inferred from the fact that people who signs up for marathon training use cherry juice to relieve the stress on their muscles. Drinking tart cherry juice minimize the post run pain and soreness as the fruit is packed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that helps muscles relax naturally.


Rest is perhaps the most natural way to relax the muscles. Get lots of sleep and consume plenty of fluids. Do not overwork the affected muscle.

Heat and ice packs

Lots of people take help of hot bath to treat sore muscles. However, a cold treatment through ice is one of the best therapies. A hot bath provides only mild pain relieve and overall relaxation for a short span. On the other hand, icing actually checks any further muscle damage thus speeding up the healing. Crush some ice in a waterproof bag, wrap it in a towel and apply it to the affected part. You will certainly experience relief.

Vitamin D

People who regularly suffer from muscle pain or spasm may be deficient in vitamin D. The vitamin comes from various sources like food items including eggs, fish, fortified milk, etc.; or tablets, capsules, and supplements it. Exposure to sun is another best source to get vitamin D.
Next time you have any kind of muscle pain, spasm or soreness, try any of the above-mentioned treatments.
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